
[Mess] Hyun Joong 28th mess from KOB.

source: http://www.hyun-joong.com/bbs/view.asp?code=fromhj

English translation by @howlovelylala


Finally tomorrow my comeback happens.

It hasn't hit me yet. I don't feel any yet. As always it rains to greet my comeback.

Does it help... since Your Story is an emotional song??????

At least it helps the heat subside, so still feels good.

I didn't write 'thanks to' on this album. Actually I have many people to be thankful for,

If I would miss one of them, the person could be disappointed. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just keep it as an insurance (*just in case). --

I am thinking I will try many things for 5 weeks promotion period.

'Your Story', 'Unbreakable' and other songs as well ^^

You must be surprised as soon as seeing my 'Gentle Man' performance... -- Truly, I like it myself. ㅋㅋ too much self-praise?

(That's what I am feeling no matter how you agree with me) Or not at all... Besides don't you know I

prepared 'Like Before' choreography???? It's just me who know that. ㅋㅋㅋ

You must be curious..ㅋㅋ Then join the concert even if no one knows when it would happen.

ㅋㄷㅋㄷ What (am I doing) Seems I am writing this message to tease you... anyway

This year is more than half over and only 5 months left.

How quickly flies?????????? Everyday just flies at superspeed. There are so many things I want to do while 

I have only one body during time flies. Still I will do what I want through my life, so don't worry.

This is what I feel, positive people seem to be happy. Let's say 'good job', 'it's okay' rather than blame 

others and envy other people's happiness.

Or you will suffer from heartache. ㅋㅋ no matter what happens~~ well, that's what I felt ^^

'Your Story' is.... its MV is.... --;;; you must be shocked...

since it's too adult ....................................................................


You can leave me.......................................................ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I will try to make up for that with 'Gentle Man' if you are upset with ('Your Story') MV--;;; huh...ㅋㅋ

Anyway I am going to write down 'thanks to'

I am very thankful to my fans who always stand by me. 

I do not know when it would be, someday we would not be able to meet any longer but let's keep missing

 each other and not forget the memories. ^^

I keep piling up neatly all the pleasant memories in my heart in order to open and see whenever I miss you.

Let's live happily~~~ 'Your Story' is the song just for you ^^ fighting

If you have tissue... when you see 'Your Story' MV... bring it. You will need it. Bite your tongue to keep

your tears back when you watch it.

Thank you as always,, wrapping up ROUND3 album work.... from 28 year old Kim Hyun Joong


eh how to say. I have mixture feelings when seeing his message.

His funny and unique style of writing is as usual with many typos. He always pours out his own feelings, showing the real HJ to us.

My heart aches when HJ said that he would recall the happy memories he had had with his fan to cover the

missing/longing. when HJ and his fans cant meet so frequent as before. (maybe he mentions abt his military service)

as the time passes, those precious memories i had with you can't be erased, so please dont say things like this, HJ ah.

so as you said " I will live most positively and without regretting being your fans.

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