
[Star of the Week] Meaningful Quotes Born from Kim Hyun Joong’s 4D Mind

Repost from: http://mwave.interest.me/enewsworld/en/article/41848

When you think the term ‘4-D,’ one of the celebrities that come to mind is Kim Hyun Joong. Although he may carry a serious or blank expression at times, that mind of his is always in motion, formulating something amazing to say to sweep the hearts of fans away.

Taking the focus away from his handsome face, his sweet vocals, and his awesomely sculpted body for a second or two, here are some very touching and inspirational quotes from Kim Hyun Joong.
On Sexual Predators

In 2011, Kim Hyun Joong appeared on SBS’ Strong Heart to hear that SNSD’s Jessica could have been in a dangerous situation with a man who stalked her all the way to her apartment.

When asked how to help women protect themselves from sexual predators, Kim Hyun Joong had a very simple but strong answer.
“It’s the men who need to come to their senses.”

If only all men were like Kim Hyun Joong.
On Text Voting

After finding out that the text voting for the 2006 MKMF cost money, Kim Hyun Joong turned to SS501’s official website to talk with the fans.

He wrote about how he found out that the voting cost money and the total already gathered up equaled to an overwhelming amount.
“I’ve told you before, but I will enjoy the stage now. The 

rookie award may only come once, but I believe that if we try 

our best, we will be able to earn an even bigger award later 

one. Honestly, if you say an award is important, it’s 

important. But more than an award, I believe that the fun of

 seeing SS501 on stage, to play, enjoy, and laughter is much 

more important.”

Kim Hyun Joong asked that instead of voting, the fans just enjoy the stage that SS501 has prepared, since no amount of money could equal the memories SS501 will share with the fans.

Regardless of whether or not they received a trophy, we believe SS501 definitely won that night.
On Happiness

Traveling through Vietnam in excruciating hot weather, Kim Hyun Joong learned that he was a lucky person.

Having to find part time jobs to finance himself during the entire trip, Kim Hyun Joong came to this conclusion.
“I used to think that if I wasn’t a person who did this kind of 

work (being a celebrity), I wouldn’t be depressed. But 


this experience, I learned that it’s the hardest to live a very 

normal life. I’m a really happy person. I am such a content 

person doing what I want to do, so I can’t imagine why I ever

 thought I was an unfortunate person.”

We have a lot to learn from this young man.
On Hospitality and Happiness

On that same trip to Vietnam, not only did Kim Hyun Joong realize the truth about happiness, he learned of the hospitality of the people that hosted the Barefooted Friends team. 

At one point, Kang Ho Dong even became teary-eyed, being touched by how kind the Vietnamese people were, paying attention and taking care of the program cast and crew. 

Kim Hyun Joong then quieted slipped in this quote:
”When people are happy, they become more generous.”

Kang Ho Dong then joked that Kim Hyun Joong’s tone of voice took away from the meaningful quote, but he later added that he will use Kim Hyun Joong’s quote when he has the chance. 
Now, there are many more amazing things that came out of Kim Hyun Joong’s mouth, but since this has been a pretty serious article so far, we leave you with this last one. 

That is all. 

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