
[ Fan Accont] The FaceShop T.O.P girl Indonesia about our Hyun Joong (ss501)

The original post is from her blogspot.
Here is the link http://chrisyasabaru.blogspot.com/2013/07/TOPKorea2.html

I extract some lines in her Fan Account since she wrote about KIM HYUN JOONG. Thanks alot for this ^^

So, I was actually expecting Kim Hyun Joong to came out with his 'pretty' appearance, but

 turns out he cut his hair and he is more tan! And it reminded me of his 'Break Down' 

comeback style, and I am loving it! It brings out the manly side of him, which is a side I 

definitely prefer more from him!

 We were all then invited back on the stage for the crowning session. And boy, all the other 

girls were racing to stand next to him... Haha, but who wouldn't right? We all went in turns

 according to our country names in alphabetical order. Kim Hyun Joong had quite a hard 

time putting on the crown on our head, as it was really slippery, and our hair was not styled 

to hold the crown. But thanks be to God, my crown managed to stay :)

And yes! He held all our shoulders when we took photos together. And I hold his waist, it 

doesn't show in the photo (thankfully~), cause I'm sure if his manager noticed I might be 

tackled to the ground >_<

After crowning, we all went back to our seats and Kim Hyun Joong had a question and 
answer session with questions from the overseas media.

 And while listening to him answer the questions, it is obvious why people call him 4D. Haha. 

He is gorgeously and beautifully awkward and funny at the same time. I'm not sure how to 

explain that, but yeah, he's weird and awkward on stage but flawless? I'm not making sense, am I? I'm sorry.

After the questions and answer session, Kim Hyun Joong took photo with each country

 groups, the T.O.P Girls plus their Faceshop team. Again we went in turns according to our 

country names. And when it was our turn, I managed to talk a little with him~ But stupid 

me, I cannot think of any other topic to talk about, so I went and asked him what was his 

favorite football team. Sigh~ Anyway, he answered Manchester United and I said his team is

 my team's rival, cause I am a Liverpool fan, and we both laughed and then we took photo 

cr: on her blogspot ^^

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