
[pix+tranz] Heo Young Saeng Twitter updates.

credit: @mystyle1103
Tweet trans: by GG
take out ith full credit ^^ Thankyu.

After released his 3rd Japanese album "Memories to You" yesterday, Today Our Prince Young Saeng makes a storm on TW with his newest pictures in Cebu- Philippine.
Let check  out his pic ^^ 

1. 7.11 Tokyo Concert!!


2.Now going to the concert rehearsal~~~ keke
This photos when we're going to the soccer in Osaka~~feat. JiBin / 지금은 콘서트연습하러~~~ㅋㅋ
사진은 오사카축구하러갈때~~
feat. JiBin

3. Recreation /양..

4. I look slim ~ ~ ~ ~ kkk/ 슬림해보이게~~~~ㅋ

5.Tweet storm!! ㅋ/ 폭풍트윗!!!!!ㅋ

6.I took a good POV sunshine ganmane seongeul my hands on the beach four ㅋ ㅋ/ 간만에 햇살이좋아서 셀카찍었는데 선글에 내손이비치네ㅋㅋ

7.Wheel of releasing the film shooting. In POV .. ㅋ ㅋ I in Philippines .. /지석이형은 영화촬영중..
난 셀카중..ㅋㅋ
in Philippines.

Q: how do you fell after seeing this?
 Me: how can he be cute like this  ^^

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